Saturday, March 6, 2010

the F.D.A.

Yup, the FDA is a government agency. Unfortunately....our annual budget, is quite pathetic, compared to Who we be up against. We dont really have much to work with.....just a whole buncha drugz to approve, and more drugz to approve, and when each of us employees goes home, we gotta dodge the bullets, ...alot of bullets,..unless of course, said employee does the smart thing. I feel pretty confident, assuming that most of my fellow FDA employees are smart, intelligent kinda dudes. I'm smart and intelligent too. Yesterday, a big man in a black costume came to my house, and he Lots of it. He also brought a gun, but I don't think that was for me. He told me to change some stuff in my section of Group C's report on Y-3790, the pipeline drug we are currently writing up. Of course, I said no, but then he pulled out the money....he said, If it wasn't adequate, I could just refuse and ask for more motivational incentive...but I'd already decided to take it, cuz it was alot of money. Alot....seriously.

That was 2 years ago.

Now, things are quite different. I have a rather, more, pristine understanding, of the "motivational incentive", and what I'm being motivated to do. Nope, I don't feel bad, not now...I used to, but I've thought about it, alot. But I know I'm doing the right thing. For my family and stuff. I mean, ya, you can get mad at me for "taking a bribe" ......but the truth is, (and I don't really care whether you believe me or not) I REALLY love my family, my daughter, my wife, my other daughter, and...the dog. Sometimes in life, gotta make choices, if you get what I mean. I used to be really scared and timid about that kinda stuff, u know....well, I still am, its just, Ive had to make some choices. The RIGHT ones. I took the money from from the black-costumed dude, and I bought a house. A BIG house. Well, I didn't exactly buy the whole thing....I just put down about Fifty Grand, which Is quite a lot, you know, saying that I only had to put down a minimum of 23 Grand to get the mortgage. But, ok, lets move on. I'm kinda tired of talking about myself. I don't wanna be lame, u know? I'm kinda, a nifty sorta dude, Im not tryna be stuck up or anything, Im just saying. Im not the usual type of guy, like most dudes. I don't care about just money, getting promoted, looking good, or any of that crap. I'm a deep person, you know. What? haha, you thought I was, like, just this prudish, unbuttoned-collar-shirt, gelled-hair, like one of those freaks? NOO,no,! haha,. Man, Iv'e got more to me, than just what I'm worth. I really do. Seriously, ....I'll do quite a bit, like ALOT, to do the right thing. But ya...that reminds me,...Oh. ...Ya, I never mind, well actually, I gotta go, I'll be back in a little bit.., ..Gotta do something. Peace, for now, keep it real, haha ya, I know im kind of a gay/bro/fruit, but, Like I said, I don't really care that much, bout your opinion of me...not that I don;t VALue it, its just, I wanna be happy with who I am, and stuff, and Ive been working on that, for a long time, really. ya.,,

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