Monday, March 22, 2010

what i do in psychology class

This is another rap, that im writing in class
I cant pay attention, my cognition wont last
Too many obstructing factors, distractions , of such mass
I cant concentrate on stuff, I cannot think too fast
Stanford-Binet is a type of test
To measure intelligence, so we could figure out, lest
The original test, which was made by Binet
Was revised by Terman (Stanford University) next.
Eugenics is what, were gonna talk about next
It’s a 19th century, phenonmenon, yes
They wanna gather good genes, and waste all the bad
Genetics sometimes results in survival of the best….i guess?
They inhibited people, from reproducing,
Constituting, suppression of ability of choosing
If you wanna make babies, its up 2 your own musing
But the battle 4 freedom, looks like, you are, losing
This is the only thing I do, I cant quite push through
I hafta write this rap, its kinda crip-crew ish
My legs just keep twitching, my OCD snitching
Conformations impossible, plausible, for you……
My mind just wont stop, but my grades, they still flop
Im always tyrna my best to produce, a good crop
Back to the classroom, what sometimes seems like…doom,
But I like it much more, than solitude, in my room
Ok , now more notes, on psycho logy istic ness, yes
Intelligence quotients, aren’t used no more today, yes
Apparently they failed, aint describe the sole truth
Its like saying junk food, aint described by Babe Ruth
That’s the candy bar….im referring to, the one covered in chocolate
Intelligence described, the ability to learn
From experience , to adapt, to learn from the past
To apply information, to novel situations
Make connections inbetween, knowledge and stipulations
Its really hard to measure right, my concern of such, is light
I must admit, I don’t care, much, bout which person is right
Especially if its bout a meaningless fact, or tidbit
Of information, ….. im done, with enunciation

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